4th Doctor's Appointment

March 12, 2014

I had my next appointment with Dr. Walker on the 21st of November. It was good. Just another check to see how I was doing type of a thing. He asked how the Cellcept was working, and I told him fine. He decided to double the dose so I would be taking 2 pills in the morning and 2 in the evening. He asked how the Raynauds was, and I told him about the same. He mentioned a drug that is similar to Viagra (can't remember the name), but he wasn't sure if our insurance would cover it. Then he answered some questions and sent me for more blood tests. It's important to keep testing my blood every so often while I'm on the Cellcept to make sure that it's not killing my kidneys, and to keep my white blood count normal. I'm becoming a pro with the blood giving.

When they called with the results, everything was okay, with the exception of the muscle enzymes. Dr. Walker wanted me to start taking 10 mg of Prednisone (Treats inflammation (swelling), severe allergies, complications of chronic illnesses, and other medical problems. Also used to decrease some symptoms of cancer. This medicine is a steroid.) Our insurance also wouldn't cover the one medicine to help increase blood flow, so he put me on Fluoxetin, aka Prozac. It has been found to help people with Raynauds, and is found to help depression, so why not? Just more meds for me to take. I can take it. My next appointment was scheduled for 2 months later.

Just some random pics taken during those few months.



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