July Appointments

July 26, 2014

Well, I had a big nice post put together and then it got deleted. Hate when that happens. Let's see if I can put it all together again.

I had a rheumy appointment on the 3rd. It was pretty basic. He asked how my stomach was feeling to which I replied fine. I mentioned that I have a spot on my leg that goes numb when I'm trying to sleep at night. It will burn and tingle and just go numb. I hate it. It happens when it gets too cold and when I get too hot. It doesn't make sense. My rheumy said that it sounded like meralgia paresthetica. He said he sees it a lot in overweight people, and tells them to wear looser clothes and lose weight. Since those aren't really options for me, he wasn't exactly sure what to do. It really isn't a big deal. Just another annoyance I have to deal with.That was about it, though.

Then it was off to run some blood tests and get a chest X-ray to check out my lungs (which came back normal.)

Because Scleroderma, and especially the form that I have, can affect the internals, it's important to run tests to check my internal organs every so often. Since our insurance is changing in September and our deductible is going up quite a bit, we also scheduled an echo-cardiogram to check on my heart.

Before I got to that, I had another fall. This time I was in my house at least, but it still made me so mad. I had just gotten done eating and went to set my tray on the table, when Is stubbed my dang toe on the table leg. I tried to recover and ended up going down and hitting the back of my head instead. It hurt really bad, and I had a massive goose egg on the back of my head. It really sucked.

I had to go get something at the Budge, so when we got out of our car, there was a shuttle waiting, so we decided to take a ride so I wouldn't have to walk a ways so soon after hitting my head. It was awesome.

I had my echo done that next Thursday, the 10th. It was super exciting. It was a lot better than the last one. I didn't freeze, and my hips weren't nearly as sore. It was kind of ironic because last time I had an echo done, I fell just a few days before. I don't recommend it. But the echo itself wasn't too bad.

I still haven't heard back on the results. Everything has always been normal, so I just figured that they'd call me if there was something wrong. Well, yesterday when I was at work, I got a call from my rheumy himself. Not one of his nurses. He called me and left a message saying he had the results from the echo and that he'd call me back. I'm probably freaking out over nothing, but I can't help it. I was pretty stressed waiting for him to call me, and he didn't, so I'm still slightly freaking out. It's probably okay and I am just worrying about nothing. All I know is that Monday can't come soon enough.

I finally got to start on my new medicine to help with my GI issues. Apparently I had to sign a consent form, but they took forever to get back to me about the EKG, then I could just not get into the office on time, or they wouldn't be there. It was quite a pain. Finally when I went in for my echo I was able to sign the form and started the new medicine. I don't feel like its as effective as the reglan, but I haven't had any major issues, so I shouldn't complain too much. Because domperidone can do damage to the heart, I had to get another EKG.

Of course I still haven't heard anything from them. For some reason m GI doc doesn't give me results. I guess I'll wait and see what my rheumy has to say about the echo first, then I'll see if I need to worry about the EKG.

I don't have any appointments too soon. My next is with my PCP on August 11. They upped my dose of fluoxetine, because apparently not showing emotion is bad, and showing emotion is worse. So he just wanted to follow up with me there. I have a few concerns that I may address with him. Its just hard to know whats important and whats not. I mean, in reality I could probably find something new to be concerned about each day, but I don't want to be the one patient who calls about every little thing. I guess that's what Google is for. Self-diagnosing is always a good idea, right?

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