This year, the Northern Utah Scleroderma group decided not to do a 5K, but instead did a comedy night. I wasn't able to go, and was a little bummed as I have loved the race the last two years. It was fun to have so much of my family gathered in one place.
Because of this, we nearly didn't do t-shirts (that and the fact that I put it off forever, then my mom was going to have hip surgery, and it was all just last minute). For the last year, though, I have been thinking that I wanted to continue to do t-shirts every year, with the proceeds going to a deserving family, whether they had Scleroderma, or not. I had in mind the family I wanted to donate to this year, so it broke my heart when we initially decided not to do shirts. I just couldn't shake the feeling, so I asked my mom again if we could do it. She, thankfully, said yes, and we were able to get the word out and sell shirts.
Last year after the 5K when we were all at my parents house for Kennan's farewell, I was talking to my sisters about the possibility of doing a volleyball tournament fundraiser. It would be the same thing, to raise awareness for Scleroderma, however the proceeds would be given to a deserving family. I messaged my sisters and they were all on board.
Shortly after, my mom texted me and said that a girl that I went to high school with wanted to put on a tournament for my Uncle Stan, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Stan said that he would like the fundraiser to be for me. My mom told her that I was planning on giving the funds away, so we decided to split any proceeds made from the tournament to go to two different families.
It was really neat to see so many people show up in support of this. Even if they just wanted to play volleyball.
My sisters had a team, and while I would have loved to play, it just wasn't possible. Trust me. I tried to play with my nephew Alex. Because my arms doing turn, I struggled to hold the ball out to "serve" it. Even trying to toss the ball was a strange thing. It is so simple, right? I don't know if it was because I'm weak, or if it was my lack of coordination and super slow reflexes, but I really struggled even tossing the ball. It was a bit strange.
Anyway, my sisters had a team. There was Shari, Kandyce, McKenzie, Ashbee (SIL), Madi (Ashbee's sister), Sheila (cousin), and Lauren (friend). It was fun watching them and cheering them on.
I still, and will forever, claim I'm adopted. Proof is below.
Lots of memories in this gym. Lots and lots!
It was also really fun to see some people that I had played with or against all those many years ago, and seeing so many people wearing my "Team Bre" shirts (which, I need to apologize that they weren't as awesome of quality as years past. Going forward we will not be using the same place.)
One of my favorite parts, besides spending time with my family was meeting another Sclero-sister. Jennifer lives in Georgetown, only about 45 minutes from Cokeville. It's fun to be able to talk with someone else who knows what I'm going through, and knows how to awkwardly pose with me! ;) (PS, my arm does NOT straighten.)
I just have to say thank you again to all who showed up on this day. It was an amazing day, and so fun to see such support. Thank you just doesn't even cut it. Thanks to Savannah for putting this together. For finding the teams, items for the auction, and for just doing an amazing job and being an amazing person. Thanks to my family and friends for their continued love and support. You're all amazing.
Looking forward to next year already!