For some reason all my papers for my English class have been related to Scleroderma. This one we were asked to write about something we believe in. I may have been in a hurry writing this, so it doesn't really emulate how I truly feel about laughter. Seriously, nothing is better than laughing, especially when it is quiet around, and you are the only one laughing, remembering something someone said. Being able to laugh about anything, from sharks, to One Direction, to Dr. Pepper, to pretty much the most random thing that you can think of. It truly is the "best medicine". Thank you to all the people in my life who make me laugh. I love you all.
Now to the paper...
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns. One minute you can feel like you are on top of the highest mountain, and the next you feel as though someone shoved you from your perch atop that glorious peak. Not only do you fall, but it seems as though you hit every rock and tree on the way down. When this happens, you have two choices: you can laugh, or you can cry. I think Marjorie Pay Hinckley said it best when she said, “The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.”
Laughter comes in all forms. There is the deep belly laugh, the cackle, the chuckle, the giggle, even the silent laughter. Whatever form it comes in, it tends to bring with it a feeling of satisfaction. I don’t think you can laugh and not feel some sense of happiness, even in the toughest times. No matter how bad your day may be, I can guarantee if you can take just a minute to laugh, you will feel a little better.
About four years ago I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that took away a lot of my mobility. No longer was I able to dress myself, do my hair, pick things up off the ground, and I grew quite uncoordinated. Throughout the years, I have had many embarrassing things happen, from taking a fall as I was leaving work, to trying to clean something off the floor and face-planting with no one around to help me. As I experienced some of these unfortunate events, I quickly learned that it is best to be able to have a sense of humor, and be able laugh when you are laying on the ground staring up at the ceiling. Without it, one can fall into a depressed state.
We do not have a lot of control over what happens in our lives, but we can choose how we react. I have seen the effects of both crying and laughing. Sometimes it is okay to cry. Sometimes we need to cry, but it is always okay to laugh. We always NEED to laugh. A good laugh will always help you feel better, and that is why I believe in laughter.